We Look for The One
Every one of our Father in Heaven's children is precious in His sight. Jesus Christ suffered for all, not
some. A disciple s ministry includes looking after, and looking for, the one. A way we do this is by
acknowledging people. When we enter into their homes, or into their neighborhoods, or see them in
the streets, we are no respecter of persons. We see them for who they are and what they can become
through Christ. We recognize their divine worth. The worth of their soul precise in the sight of God!
One's age does not matter, their height, their profession, marital status, financial situation, education
level, past mistakes, or any other identifying factor. The identifier that we are after is inherent in their
DNA. It is this: Everyone is a son or daughter of God created in His image. And because of this,
everyone has divine potential. This knowledge helps us look into the eyes and hearts of those we
teach. It allows us to treat them with Heavenly Love. It causes us to pause and think for just a moment
about how we might approach them the way He would approach them. We invest in others
differently when we see them as He sees them.
We know that a hallmark of Jesus ministry was looking for the one. He would leave the 99, to find
the one. “What a man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the
ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?” (Luke 15:4). So too
we seek after the one.
June 30, 2024 Sunday. On this day we had successful 7 baptisms and confirmed, and in the whole month of June we have 8 souls that have been converted to the true church of Jesus Christ. The married couple. Five boys. “I know that God is happy to see his children gradually returning to him”.
D&C 18:16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!
Elder Palma
Philippines Cebu Mission
Ghana Accra Mission
Ghana Accra North Mission